Katherine Butcher (hun/han) er en australsk billedkunstner og produsent basert i Norge. Hennes kunstneriske arbeid i det offentlige rom inkluderer video, web, sosiale medier, fysiske installasjoner og liveopptredener. Produksjonsprosjekter inkluderer utstillinger, festivaler og offentlige arrangementer, inkludert lydprosjektet "this sonic planet" (2023), med Rotvoll kunstnerkollektiv. Kompetansen omfatter kunstnerisk tenkning, kunstfokusert forskning og utvikling, kunstrådgivning (formidling og forvaltning) og nye nettverksprosjekter mellom ulike kunstformer.
Katherine Butcher (she/her) is an Australian visual artist and producer based in Norway. Her artistic work in public space includes video, web, social media, physical installations, and live performances. Production projects include exhibitions, festivals, and public events, including the sound project "this sonic planet" (2023), with Rotvoll artist collective. Skills include artistic thinking, arts-focused research and development, art consultancy (dissemination and management), and new networking projects between different art forms.
SHINY FLOOR SHOW (2021-) performative installation. Easy to install, roll-out vinyl and self-adhesive vinyl studio floors. From X-Factor to The Nobel Peace Prize - used all over the world. Variable dimensions.
My Anteroom Has Eyes (2022-2023).
ooh (2020) An out-of-home advertising campaign. Performance. Trondheim City Centre, Norway.