Leticia Balzi


Leticia Balzi works in the fields of visual art and education, exploring the themes of intersectionality by examining the role of politics in aesthetics. Particularly, how systems of power shape perceptions of gender and identity while raising awareness of its entanglements to environmental issues. She also works with painting and drawing sketching territories to reconnect with nature and contemplate endangered landscapes with a focus on bodies of water.

She holds an M.A. in Art Education from New York University (NYU/Fulbright), an M.F.A. in Artistic Research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and a BFA from Complutense University of Madrid (UCM + Erasmus scholarship at the Universität der Künste Berlin). Formerly an art director, she spends time working as an artist, teacher of arts and design, doctoral researcher, and mother.